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You can help a mother provide for her family by donating your used vehicle. Right now, there are families in the Bridge program in need of a car.

Is Your Car...

  • In working condition and without the need of major repairs?
  • Able to be driven by you to a drop location in Glen Ellyn or Naperville?
  • Wholly owned by you, and do you have a clear title for the car you are donating?
  • Currently in the Chicago / Illinois area?

If so, please contact Senior Case Manager Paul Matthews at 630-403-5104 or to discuss the benefit of donating your car to a family in Bridge Communities.

Did You Know that Car Donations are Tax Deductible?

Not only will you be helping a family become more self-sufficient, but your car donation is also tax deductible.

Bridge Communities will give your donated car directly to a family facing homelessness that will help them get back on the road to self-sufficiency.  By doing so, your donated car may be eligible for a full tax deduction of the used car value. Check with your tax advisor to learn how a car donation to Bridge Communities can benefit you.

Bridge Communities is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization under IRS code, and contributions are tax deductible to the fullest extent of current laws.

Why is the Need for Car Donations So Great?

One of the biggest challenges that client families in the Transitional Housing Program struggle with is finding and retaining a good job that will support their families.

One of the most significant barriers to finding and keeping employment is that of unreliable transportation. Many client families enter Bridge Communities' Transitional Housing Program with no car or cars that soon break down.  Most of these cars are not worth the cost of repairing.

There is limited public transportation in DuPage County, and owning a car is a real necessity for any family.

Client families use donated cars to transport themselves to work and their children to school, child care and activities. 

To donate your car, please contact Paul at 630-403-5104.  Thank you!